It was 7:13 am , and I need to rush to the main road to catch up office cab which usually comes at 7: 15 am , I was almost done with all my dressing apart from wearing my shoes …… not much time I had in my hand ….. No idea what I wore on my foot …..and with that I ran towards the main road , to catch up the bus ..else I would had missed that ….
Fortunately I got into the bus and started my day with my " Bathroom slippers ON " , another 15 minutes passed by giving my self the touch up for my final look for the office ….. Finally reached office …. Did realized that some thing was gravely wrong with my dressing when others started staring at my feet ….. While I did the same with them and substantiate the fact that footwears plays very important role in dressing .. For the very first time in my life I discovered the fact that footwears actually says a lot about your personality , some of them seems too professionals , few girlish , a bit rough and tough , others simple …. But I was looking too casual wearing my "Bathroom slippers on "….
Too much soothing to my feet , that indeed it felt, as if l m in my home , what a enticing feeling it was , Monday morning has taken completely 180 degree shift and I started loving to be in the office that early morning and wanted to start my day with what I love doing the most ……..
One hour was enough for me to agnize the importance of not providing any dress code for the employees in some of the companies ,it was like when you feel good about yourself , and make your workstation homely , you will give the best out of you ……. :)
Footwear affect person's personality.Even i observe women's footwear.Before saying anything to a strange girl see her footwear first...ha ha ha :)